Each circle takes place in a framework of benevolence, non-judgment, trust and total confidentiality. Each individual is invited to speak to the "I" about his or her life and experience.


In the power of the circle, we can feel heard, seen, not judged, welcomed and supported.

In the power of the circle we open our hearts.

In the power of the circle, we can let go of shields and weapons, we can be authentically ourselves.

In the power of the circle, we can more easily alchemize any heaviness of experience through empathy and the rays of each other's hearts.

In the power of the circle we heal and liberate ourselves.

In the power of the circle we can be enriched by each other's experiences, insights and understandings.

In the power of the circle we are connected from Love to the collective of people on Earth.

In the power of the circle, we vibrate and embody a new paradigm of man and the masculine.

In the power of the circle, we radiate our Consciousness and our Love to parts of ourselves and we recharge our batteries to radiate our Light even more with our loved ones.

What can a talking circle bring

between men?

-To be able to express oneself and be heard without judgment by the group

-to recognize oneself in what other men share

-to express things and parts of oneself that one does not dare to reveal to those around him

-heal wounded parts of ourselves

-helps and contributes to the opening of the heart

-discovering other facets of the masculine that are identical or complementary to oneself

-to feel united, connected, as a common entity, a collective of men in evolution and in the heart

-Reconciling with the masculine and with men

-reconciling with parts of oneself

Prochains cercles d'hommes

Online : un dimanche par mois (durée:2h)

(Demande par contact en bas de page)

En présentiel :

A Lyon

A Grenoble

En Drôme

Prochaines retraites d'hommes

-Avril :

-Mai :


Pour aller plus loin dans l'expérience ...