Retraite chant & yoga
A wonderful opportunity to open up to the miracle of Life, of Essential Beauty...
Welcome to the communion of our voices, to the joy of our hearts, to the flowering of Presence...
For a complete formula combining body and mind, movement, breath and sound, as well as concentration, joy and inner peace.

Prochaine rencontre chant & yoga we de Pâques du 7 au 10 avril en Ardèche
We begin each circle with a time of guided meditation, attunement and inwardness.
We will chant Sanskrit mantras (mantras composed by Surya and other mantras from India), Latin American medicine songs, French, Spanish, English, Hebrew, and Sufi songs.
Bhajans are a great tool to raise the vibration very quickly, and powerful keys to connect with the Divine.
They are an opportunity to re-unite, to vibrate and to work together for Peace, Freedom, Joy, Harmony and the blossoming of Love on Earth ....

Voice practices
Body practices of opening and releasing the voice, work on inner and body postures, individual, duo and group movements, mindfulness practices in body, breath and voice as one.

"Finding the Power of Your Voice through the path of relaxation..."

Yoga is Union
Yoga is the science of meditation, it is part of a long Indian empirical tradition, and its teaching is summarized in a founding text, the Patanjali Yoga Sutra.
Studying this text in the Sanskrit language, which is thousands of years old, through chanting, seems to be a must for any sincere practitioner (sadaka) of this profound philosophical and experimental path.
The one who accepts to be transformed by Yoga by conforming to its discipline seeks to free himself from illusion (moksha) and to know authentic happiness (ananda).
The Patanjali Yoga Sutra is a precise map of the mind that guides us out of the suffering of the ego (dukha) towards the emancipating knowledge and true love embodied by the Yogi who rests in peace in the Mystery.

The Yoga tradition uses and reinforces devotion as a way of awakening, through the use of sacred chanting (kirtan, bhajan, mantra) coupled with the unfathomable silence it reveals, giving access to altered states of consciousness qualified as meditative, hypnotic, ecstatic...
Hatha Yoga
Any posture (āsana) that the body can adopt will be yoga as long as the intensity respects the contentment that comes out of the practice.
Non-violence towards one's own body, humility, are principles that avoid confusing yoga with acrobatics.
The postures can be static. When they are dynamic, they can be practiced according to a precise sequence, often according to a particular breathing order.
It takes a certain experience to take a posture in a "structured" relaxation, with a regular breathing and a good vertebral alignment coordinated with the alignments of the other body segments.
Postural or breath concentration will include various aspects such as speed, skill and coordination.
From a yoga perspective, persevering with postural stability, promotes concentration and over time promotes psychological stability.
The regular practice of āsana and prānāyāma deployed in a quiet, non-competitive atmosphere leads to a moment of silence, a cessation of mental disturbances.
In this, haṭha yoga is considered a preparatory phase for deep meditation.
At an intermediate level, the persevering practitioner begins a self-knowledge where gradually the habits that maintained negative thoughts or attitudes will appear.
When the practices (postural, respiratory or other) become in turn the object of meditation, concentration and mental stability have reached a certain level of quality.
Meditation is more important than other practices, as the body is freed from its tensions.
At a very advanced level of practice, the illusion of personal projections and identifications (Māyā) disappears, allowing the Self to reveal itself in its true nature.
Over the years of practice, the differences between yoga techniques diminish as they all converge towards the same goal; concentration loses its voluntaristic character and becomes "attention without intention."
Gradually, this attention is integrated into all moments of life, even in the smallest events. The daily duty loses its heaviness, allowing the opening to discernment and humility.

Dance of Peace
The Universal Peace Dances are sung circle dances inspired by spiritual traditions from around the world in a spirit of inclusiveness.
Using sacred phrases (mantras, syllables, chants) from many spiritual traditions, each dance explores different qualities of being, presence, and encounter with self and other.
The practice of the Dances of Peace offers us the essential: to come together, to share sacred songs and dances, in unison, as prayers that transcend our differences, beyond any religious dogmatism, it is an invitation to an authentic, direct and living mystical experience.
Welcome to the dance of Life!