du Masculin en Evolution
In the power of vulnerability,
in the authentic expression of our truth,
our words are liberated and enlightened by our caring hearts.
3 days to find ourselves between men in evolution, in a path of love and consciousness.
3 days between brothers, as equals.
3 days to support our mutual resolutions,
3 days to support, recognize and inspire each other from our path of conscious man.
In the frequency of our hearts, in our resonances, in the recognition and the simple and tender love of who we are.
Gathering in brotherhood-unity,
from heart to heart in transparency,
in the power of vulnerability,
in the benevolent strength of the heart
to support and recognize each other,
to support, recognize, inspire and love each other in our path as conscious human beings.
-Talking circles.
The topics and themes discussed will depend on the needs and resonances of each person at the time. We will be able to discuss different topics
Here are some examples of themes: seduction, manipulation, mother-son relationships, father-son relationships, male-female relationships, couple relationships, sexuality, fatherhood, rivalry between men, armour and guards that protect our heart but also cut us off from our emotions and certain potentials, and many others....
Staging, in the alchemical theater -or sacred alchemical clown- of the parts of us that we do not fully assume parts judged by the society, we will let us cross by parts of us -parts of our humanity- in transparency, authenticity, vulnerability, innocence and curiosity, with by letting them fully live and with the look of the eagle, the power of the witnesses will support our processes of evolution and the resolutions that arise from it even in the sacred alchemy of the being.
here are some examples of themes :
seduction, manipulation, mother-son relationships, father-son relationships, male-female relationships, couple relationships, sexuality, fatherhood, rivalry between men, breastplates and guards that protect our heart but also cut us off from our emotions and certain potentials, and many others....
- Jam Extatic Dance session
With live music by Surya (vocals, handpan, guitar, didgeridoo and percussion...) as well as good music adapted to the evolutionary processes of the moment.
-Power and anchoring dances, (mainly inspired by Maori Haka dances).
-Cocoa ceremony, solar medicine of the heart, which supports the circulation of heart energy in Love and alchemy, power and joy, which supports strength and vitality and which supports the opening of the third eye, of wisdom and connection to the subtle worlds and to our intuition
-Outings into the powerful and inspiring nature of the place that welcomes us, in multidimensional relationship with the spirits of nature, walks in the forest, outings under the stars and swimming in the lake.
-Angel's Walk (tunnel of blessing)
-Body painting to reveal and honor the beautiful and sacred men that we are!
-Games to have fun and cultivate fun! Yeah
- ...And other practices of connection and relliance in the heart and presence with the circle
-Body and holistic exploration with our voices through different games and practices and various's so beautiful to have men's voices vibrating together!!!
We make this path of Love, Freedom, consciousness and Peace of the heart above all for ourselves but also for our heirs, our companions, for the collective evolution of men and for all the generations to come on Earth.
In gratitude to our lineages, where we come from, and in gratitude to the great game of life in which we play and experiment.

-Allows you to come to a caring space where you can be yourself and be authentic
-Allows you to confide in a secure and confidential setting
-allows for a space between men in intimacy, transparency, depth, joy and fraternity
-supports the opening of the heart
-Supports the daring to assume and express one's vulnerability in an appropriate way and to benefit from its virtues.
-Supports a greater connection to one's emotions and a healthy relationship with one's emotions
-Supports to assume one's power and helps to associate it with one's heart and consciousness
-allows you to receive tools for evolution, alchemy and connection that you can then use in your life independently
included in the price:
-1 preliminary telephone interview of 15 to 30 minutes
A 1-hour live circle one week before the retreat
-a 1 hour live circle one week after the retreat
I am still feeling the positive effects of the weekend and nurturing the kindness I received and gave. I feel it is having a positive effect on me and my environment as well as on my sleep and on an emotional level. Taking the plunge and taking a step towards oneself is often the hardest part, but when the path back to one's inner fire is set in motion, the urge to take care of that fire is stronger than the rest.
Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.
A weekend that feels good. Thanks to Florian for his invitation and his joy of living. 🙏❤️
"I feel a powerful energy that continues to rise, it was a great time with you, and it continues to grow.
I have a joyful and sparkling state of mind, I want to do a lot of things...
I am listening to my children, we have a brighter bond, I see that everything is simple, and I enjoy these things with the same simplicity.
I feel more comfortable with myself and with others...
This part of clowning (during the retreat), I was able to do the same in practice last night at the restaurant and it was great! and what a lightness, tranquility!
Only good things have been sown with this circle.
A new sensibility is coming in
that makes me strong and tender at the same time.
Why am I doing this?
-Because I love it.
-Because it's in my heart, because I have the call, and because it's a given
-Because I love to see men reveal themselves, authentically, in their unique vibration. I love to see men open their hearts in all vulnerability and beauty!
I love to feel this universal brotherly love that circulates between us, that grows, that fills us until it overflows and radiates towards all the men and women of the Earth!
-Because I am aware that it is a major tool for change in our humanity and therefore in our society.
To create peace in oneself, in one's relationships and especially in one's couple.
To grow in self-consciousness and self-love and to elevate our (masculine) identity as men.
To re-establish a brotherhood of the heart, to heal and transform men and by contagion women, children and generations to come... to transform our wounds into virtues and strength
-because I am aware that humanity is in a step-wise process of enormous re-actualization, evolution and even revolution of consciousness! And therefore in the midst of an identity change!
Men (as well as women) need to gather and support each other in all these trials and transformations.
Inspired by the Maori Haka, I will help you find your own Healing Haka, your Dance of Power and Grounding.
The Healing Haka is a dance form that promotes a holistic approach to wellness, based on the traditional Maori Haka dance, with a global and universal understanding.
What are the origins of the Haka?
According to Maori legends, Tama-nui-te-ra, the sun god, and his wife Hine-raumati, who embodies summer, had a son, Tane-rore. During the summer, he danced for his mother, "with light and quick movements that made the air quiver.
It is these movements that are the foundation of any haka. The haka was first performed by the Maori tribes during important meetings.
This was particularly the case on the battlefields. The warriors used it to give themselves courage before the fight, and to frighten their opponents. This type of warrior haka is called "peruperu haka". But the Maoris also performed a haka when several groups gathered in peace. The words and gestures were obviously different depending on the context.
For the record, the "Ka Mate", the haka made popular by the All Blacks, was composed in the 1820s by the Maori chief Te Rauparaha. He managed to escape an enemy tribe by hiding in a dark food storage pit. When he emerged, he was greeted by rays of light and a friendly chief. The words "Ka mate, ka mate, ka ora, ka ora" (This is death, this is death, this is life, this is life) are a celebration of life triumphing over death.
The Haka Today
Over time, the haka has evolved into a way for communities to come together.
This type of haka is called "ngeri haka". It is used at Maori ceremonies and celebrations to honor guests, as a sign of respect and solidarity, and to show the importance of the occasion.
A haka can therefore be performed at family events, such as birthdays, funerals and weddings.
And the haka is of course used by New Zealand sports teams, including the national rugby team. While some hakas can only be performed by men, others can be performed by anyone. There are even women-only hakas.
(I am not a haka trainer, I have simply followed "healing haka" courses and practiced it a lot for my own well-being and personal balance, and I invented an approach inspired by the Maori haka "the dance of power and anchoring")

I frequently use the "Play-Fight" tool (which I remodel in my own way and axis in therapeutic mode).
What is playfighting?
This method combines play, non-violent struggle and mindfulness in order to help individuals learn to know themselves better.
It's a new kind of practice, there are no winners or losers, and the only goal is to deeply explore what it means to connect with yourself and others. It is fun, playful and transformative!
Participants use the power of their bodies with safety and respect to reconnect to their childlike souls and curiosity!
The playfight tool, in the way I bring it in can allow to:
-find your anchor and feel your anchor, find your center and witness the power that emanates from it
-to feel one's strength, and to express it in a secure environment
-find new resources within oneself
-awaken, energize and circulate your vitality
-to surprise oneself
-to surpass oneself
-help you to position yourself in relation to a relationship, a behavior, a toxic situation in your life
-live a fun game !